Scientific Truth and Judicial Truth: Philosophy and Method


  • Massimo Mancini Italian Society of Philosophy of Law, Italy



Thruth, epistemology, method, hypothesis, hermeneutics


A sinthetic excursus of modern epistemology across some methodological contributes of Aristotle, Descartes, Galilei and Freud, with special regard to alethic and verisimilar knowledge in law sciences and legal reasoning, in order to analyse dialectic opposition of involved parts in legal argumentations and verdict’s rational motivation in trials.


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Freud S. Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einfürung in die Psychoanalyse (1933), in Gesammelte Werke. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1969.

Perelman C, Olbrechts-Tyteca L. Traité de lʼargumentation. La nouvelle rhétorique. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1958.

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Gadamer H-G. Wahrheit und Methode. Mohr, Tübingen 1960.

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How to Cite

Mancini, M. . (2023). Scientific Truth and Judicial Truth: Philosophy and Method. Frontiers in Law, 2, 11–14.


