Precise Control of Dynamic Object by Combining of the Advantages of Different Sensors


  • Vadim Zhmud Novosibirsk State Technical University and Geophysical Service of SB RAS, Russia
  • Oleg Yadrishnikov Novosibirsk State Technical University and Geophysical Service of SB RAS, Russia
  • Vladimir Semibalamut Novosibirsk State Technical University and Geophysical Service of SB RAS, Russia



Control, feedback, automation, regulator, quality of control, precision of control


Precise control of dynamic objects with negative feedback loop is widely used in science and industry [1-3]. Control accuracy depends on properties of the regulator, as well as on the accuracy of the sensor of the output value. Often the choice of the best sensor is impossible, because the different sensors may have different, and none of them is the best over the whole frequency range. In this paper, the research work is carried out in the base of the mathematical simulation and some theory. The modeling proof of the method effectiveness is carried out on specific examples. The sensors together with the object give the task with single input and two outputs (SITO).


Zhmud V, Yadrishnikov O. Numerical optimization of PID-regulators using the improper moving detector in cost function. Proceedings of the 8-th International Forum on Strategic Technology 2013 (IFOST-2013), vol. II, 28 June – 1 July. Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia. IEEE organized 2013; pp. 265-270.

Zhmud V, Dimitrov L. Designing of complete multi-channel PD-regulators by numerical optimization with simulation 2015. 2015 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2015 - Proceedings, 7147059, 10.1109/SIBCON.2015.7147059, inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84941057726&partnerID= 40&md5=6b22ccb4fc8da0d7cb570eb23d62fcfb, Conference Paper, Scopus, 2-s2.0-84941057726

Zhmud VA, Yadrishnikov OD, Semibalamut VM. Control of the objects with a single output and with two or more input channels of influence. WIT Transaction on Modelling and Simulation. WIT Press., ISSN 1743-355X (on-line). 2015; Vol. 59: pp. 147-156. DOI:

Zhmud VA. Simulation, research and optimization of locked system of automatic control. Monograph. Novosibirsk (In Russian). Publishing house of NSTU 2012; p. 335. ISBN 978-5-7782-2162-8.




How to Cite

Zhmud, V., Yadrishnikov, O., & Semibalamut, V. (2015). Precise Control of Dynamic Object by Combining of the Advantages of Different Sensors. Journal of Advances in Management Sciences & Information Systems, 1, 59–64.




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