
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Professional Factors of the Occurrence of Emotional Burnout Syndrome - Pages 41-51

Karakat M. Nagymzhanova, Ryskeldy A. Aykenova, Bakhytkul U. Baikhozhaeva, Aliya M. Suguralieva and Nina V. Vlasova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.01.6
Published: 10 February 2020


Abstract: Objective: The problem of creating effective labour productivity is relevant for public and private sector organisations due to market volatility and determines important in addition to the introduction of optimal tools in the working process, the creation of the favourable environment in the staff team and as a consequence of the prevention of emotional burnout among employees.

Background: In conditions of social and economic instability in the CIS countries and competition in the labour market in a wide range of specialities, it leads to the increase of competencies and requirements for employees of the industry, and as a consequence increases their responsibility to the society.

Method: A retrospective research method was applied to identify cause-and-effect relationships and patterns between all components of the phenomenon of emotional burnout in the labour process.

Results: In the course of the research, a standardised Professional Burnout questionnaire was used. Also, criteria and a grading scale were identified, the results processed using statistical methods in the SPSS 17 data processing programme.

On the basis of the results of the research conducted, practical recommendations were formulated, the implementation of which will help reduce the level of emotional burnout among employees of the organisation.

Keywords: Labour productivity, labour market, society, professional burnout, emotional exhaustion.



Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Emotional Burnout: Prevalence Rate and Symptoms in Different Socio-Professional Groups - Pages 33-40

Vitalii Y. Bocheliuk, Nataliia Y. Zavatska, Yuliia O. Bokhonkova, Marianna V. Toba and Nikita S. Panov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.01.5
Published: 10 February 2020


Abstract: Objective: The relevance of the subject matter is connected with the emotional burnout and its long-lasting negative consequences for both the individual and society becoming commonplace. Background: The paper covers the psychological reconstruction of the concept of "burnout" in terms of its implicit understanding and differentiated diagnosis.

Method: The consolidated empirical data on the commonness of burnout among various categories of employees obtained using the MBI questionnaire. The descriptive statistics were presented for nine different professional groups (total of 441 people) of different age, degree of personal responsibility and emotional involvement in their job — the frequency analysis of expressiveness of emotional burnout syndrome performed in the context of the procedural-dynamic model. 

Results: Results revealed that the symptoms of burnout are quantitatively and qualitatively vary in different occupational settings. Based on the content analysis of the data obtained through face-to-face psychological counselling of clients, a list of manifestations and experiences was developed, accompanying burnout complaints as a component of a difficult life situation: emotional and motivational-semantic sphere, life position, behavioural, and psychological and physiological aspects.

Conclusion: Attention was drawn to the necessity of clarification of social-psychological norms and clinical signs, which reliably and differentially diagnose its symptoms (in contrast to fatigue, depression or normative age crises). The conclusions provide suggestions and solutions on the principles of psychological prevention and assistance (self-help) in situations of emotional burnout.

Keywords: Fatigue, emotional burnout (fatigue), depersonalization, cynicism, decline in professional achievements.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Development of Creative Potential of Pupils with Mixed Specific Developmental Disorders - Pages 52-59

Yuliya P. Zhilova, Eva Мaria Kulesza, Zhamila I. Namazbayeva, Lyudmila N. Likhodedova and Viktoriya V. Bezhina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.01.7
Published: 10 February 2020


Abstract: Objective: The aim of the article is an alternative approach to develop the creative potential of pupils with mixed specific developmental disorders (MSDD).

Background: Modern special education should solve one of the urgent problems that are to help children with special educational needs to activate their creative potential.

Method: Following the elaborated structure of the development of the creative potential of children with MSDD for the diagnosis of each component, we have selected the following methods: the E. Torrence Creative Thinking Test “Incomplete figures”, the graphic technique “Cactus”, the technique “Ladder”.

Results: It organized an empirical study on the creative potential of 10-11-year-old pupils with MSDD with the use of pedagogical experiment. A model of supporting the development of creative potential was developed. In this model, special pedagogical conditions which included a personality-oriented approach, creative educational environment, and pedagogical support, were implemented. The pedagogical experiment was conducted in the framework of the study involving seven schools of Kostanay region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Conclusion: The results revealed the significant growth in pupils’ creativity when implementing the model with the set of pedagogical conditions.

Keywords: Personality-oriented approach, modern education, children, urgent problems, pedagogical support.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Development of the Digital Identification Instrument for Children with Learning Disabilities using Decision Support System (DSS) - Pages 69-75

Dewi Sri Rejeki, Mahardika Supratiwi, Subagya and Erma Kumalasari

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.01.9
Published: 10 February 2020


Abstract: The study is a part of research and development which aims at developing Decision Support System-based (DSS) digital identification instrument for children with learning disabilities. The first-year study consists of three stages: (a) the need analysis of the instrument, (b) the development of instrument prototypes, and (c) the validation of the digital identification instrument.

The study was conducted in Surakarta, particularly in 20 special schools located in 7 regencies and cities and selected using purposive sampling. In the first stage, data were collected using a close-ended questionnaire from 32 respondents comprising principals and teachers. Meanwhile, the second stage use of a web-based digital application development technique. The identification instrument was then validated through expert judgment using focus group discussion (FGD) technique involving information and technology (IT) experts, special education experts, principals, and teachers of children with learning disabilities.

The instrument prototypes were subsequently revised and limited empirical tryout, and then analyzed using statistical tests. The results indicate that 97% of the respondents require the development of a digital identification instrument for children with learning disabilities. The study has successfully developed digital identification instrument prototypes for children with learning disabilities. All items of the DSS-based instrument have met the required criteria of validity: r-table with the number of subjects of 32, a significance level of 5% (0.361), and greater r-count compared to r-table (0.361). The reliability tests demonstrate Cronbach's alpha of 0.875. It's proved that 13 items of the instrument have a sufficient level of reliability.

Keywords: Digital instrument, identification, learning disabilities, special school, DSS-(Decision Support System).

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