Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children: What are Salient Development and Research Factors to Consider? - Pages 68-76 A Curative Perspective on Down Syndrome - Pages 77-85 Motivational Mechanisms of Demonstration of Professional Competences in a Situation of Uncertainty Available Approaches to Combining Traditional and Modern Medicine in China - Pages 97-101 Exercise-Based VRT Shows Benefits in Balance and Postural Stability in Adult Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction - Pages 102-108 Comparison of Fundamental Frequency between Monolingual and Bilingual Children with a Cochlear Implant - Pages 109-113 Case Study of Teaching Meta Communicative Competence Issues in Learners with ID - Pages 114-118 The Relationship between Teaching Skills, Academic Emotion, Academic Stress and Mindset in University Student Academic Achievement Prediction: A PLS-SEM Approach - Pages 119-133 The State of Psychoemotional, Cytokine Status and Endothelial Function in Patients with Combined Surgical Pathology of the Abdominal Cavity, True Pelvis and Anterior Abdominal Wall, Depending on the Methodic of Simultaneous Surgical Intervention - Pages 134-141 Formation of Anthropometric, Functional and Psychophysiological Indicators in Students of Medical Colleges under the Influence of Physical Activity - Pages 142-149 Comparing Seroprotective Levels of IgG Antibody Against Single and Two Shots of Measles-Rubella-Mumps (MMR) Vaccine in Children Aged 12 Months to 15 Years Old in Southern Iran, Ahvaz in 2018 - Pages 150-156 New Trends of Teaching Methodology in Embroidery Classes to Children with Intellectual Disability - Pages 157-161 Psycho-Cognitive Human Deprivation: The Essence and Main Aspects - Pages 162-169 Connection Between Resistance to Organizational Change and Psychological Resistance of an Individual - Pages 170-178 Creation of Coping-Profiles of Managers for Obtaining Methods of Coping in Socially Significant Situations during Negotiations - Pages 179-187 The Impact of Creativity and Intelligence on the Social Adaptation of the Students of the Faculty of Physical Education - Pages 188-199