Journal of Intellectual Disability Diagnosis and Treatment | Volume 5 Number 4

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Table of Contents

Volume 5 No.4, 2017

                                * This issue includes papers published with Open Access    

Special Issue

Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Importance of Early Assessment and Early Interventions


Harieta Manolova, PhD
(Guest Editor)  
Clinical Psychologist in Clinic of Child Psychiatry “St. Nikolas”- 
University Hospital “Alexandrovska”.
Associate Professor in Dpt. of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology- 
Medical University Sofia. 
Address: Bulgaria, Sofia 1431, 1, G. Sofiiski 

 Open AccessEditorial: Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Importance of Early Assessment and Early InterventionsPages 100-101
Harieta E. Manolova

Open AccessEarly Assessment of Mental Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Sharing of Clinical Experience - Pages 102-112

H. Manolova, S. Staykova, M. Hristova, D. Terziev and G. Markova

Assessment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Post-Assessment Meeting with Parents: Some Issues of Planning and Professional Attitude - Pages 113-116

D. Terziev, H. Manolova, S. Staykova and M. Hristova

Asperger’s Syndrome in a Clinical Sample: Reasons for Referral and Comorbidity - Pages 117-123

S. Staykova, D. Terziev, H. Manolova, M. Hristova and A. Bistrian

Assessment of Intellectual Functioning among Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Challenges and Implications Beyond the Clinical Practice - Pages 124-129

Mihaela Hristova, Harieta Manolova, Svetla Staykova and G. Markova

Open AccessChild Welfare Reform in Bulgaria – from Institutional to Family-Based Community Care: Engaging with Families, Children and Colleagues? - Pages 130-136

G. Markova, H. Manolova and M. Hristova

General Article

Neurochemistry of Neurochemicals: Messengers of Brain Functions Pages 137-151

Md. Sahab Uddin, Abdullah Al Mamun, Md. Tanvir KabirMd. Nasrullah, Ferdous Wahid, Mst. Marium Begum, Zubair Khalid Labu, Md. Sohanur Rahman, Md. Tanjir Islam, Md. Shah Amran and Mohamed M. Abdel-Daim















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