

Internet Communications and Political Mobilization - Pages 834-837

Elmira Avzalova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.81

Published: 06 November 2020

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the consideration of the role of Internet communications in the political mobilization of citizens. Internet communications create new opportunities for interaction and association of citizens and significantly accelerate political mobilization. In the information age, the "orange revolutions", and other "colour revolutions" of the last century were replaced by high-tech "network revolutions". Among researchers, however, there is no unity in understanding the role of Internet communications in mobilizing the protest activity of the population. The article concludes that when assessing the role of Internet communications in political mobilization, it is important to take into account the fact that the Internet communications are not capable of causing revolutionary events, popular actions were generated by a number of socio-economic, political and ideological reasons. However, social networks and microblogging services have become new tools for mobilizing participants in protests, allowing campaigning and coordination among protesters.

Keywords: Internet, Internet communications, mobilization, political participation, online politics.



Kazan Philistines of the First Half of the XIX Century: Children and Childhood in Everyday Life - Pages 838-843

Tatyana Victorovna Bessonova and Valentina Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.82

Published: 06 November 2020

Abstract: The article considers one of the issues of the history of everyday life and family history related to the study of childhood as a stage of life. The study is focused on the philistinism of the city of Kazan in the first half of the XIX century, being the most numerous layer of citizens. The analysis of archival documents allowed us studying such aspects of the daily history of philistinism as the age limits of childhood, attitudes toward children in philistine families, mass behavior and individual decisions, as well as the emotional side of relations between adults and children. The study of the issue allowed us coming to the conclusion that the social status of children, their attitude to childhood and children among the Kazan philistinism largely retain the features inherent in a traditional pre-industrial society. In everyday practices, childhood was not yet perceived as a separately recognized and designated life stage, which was reflected in the philistine's value system. Philistines often got rid of illegitimate children in many ways, sought to include the child early in the solution of issues of maintaining themselves and the family, as well as removed them from the family by giving them for apprenticeship or working with strangers. However, the predominance of a rational attitude towards childhood did not exclude a positive emotional color in relation to children.

Keywords: Philistinism, everyday life, life path stages, children and childhood.



Linguocultural Analysis of the Most Common Greetings in the Russian, Tatar and Chinese Languages - Pages 844-849

Elvira Ramilyevna Bikmullina and Radif Rifkatovich Zamaletdinov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.83

Published: 06 November 2020

Abstract: The article deals with greetings – as one of the speech genres, functioning in every language. Despite the universality of this speech genre, there are differences and peculiarities of its forms for various cultures. Of the great amount of greeting formulas functioning in the Russian, Tatar and Chinese languages the authors chose the most common three types. The formal-constructive, communicative-pragmatic and semantic characteristics are taken into consideration for a comparative analysis of the chosen units. The authors also attempted at providing a culturological interpretation of them. There are, on the one hand, greetings that are very similar in meanings among the linguocultures presented; on the other hand, there are nationally specific forms, which reflect the originality of the native speakers, their cultural traditions and axiological orientations. The study of greetings can give a key to understanding the nations’ worldview structure, the traits of mentality, as well as be a basis for successful relationships in cross-culture communication.

Keywords: Greetings, speech genre, linguoculturological analysis, cross-culture communication.



Revisiting Issues Relating to the Content of Ownership Rights, as Exemplified By the Legislation of Russia and other Countries - Pages 850-853

Sergey S. Bondarenko, Anna V. Mikhnevich, Sergey V. Tychinin, Evgeny E. Tonkov and Evgeny I. Chesovskoy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.84

Published: 06 November 2020

Abstract: Given article takes into consideration the approaches to the disclosure of the ownership rights content existing in different legal systems. The idea of disclosing the ownership rights content through a specific set of owner’s powers exists in the legal systems of various countries. In this case, the number of legal powers may differ, as well as an understanding of each of them. The triad of owner’s powers (possession, use, disposal), enshrined in the laws of Russia and a number of other countries, is analyzed in details. The views regarding the construction of a theoretical model of the content of ownership rights were expressed.

Keywords: Ownership right, proprietary rights, possession, use, disposal.
