
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

An Exploration of Regional Labor Productivity Patterns of Manufacturing SMEs in Mexico
Pages 116-13088x31
Miguel Flores, Roldán Andrés-Rosales and Amado Villarreal

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2016.05.09

Published: 06 May 2016

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to characterize the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Mexico by analyzing regional and industrial labor productivity growth differences in the manufacturing sector during the period 2004-2014. The results suggest that labor productivity differs according to the size of the establishment. While microenterprises and small establishments exhibit a moderate increase, medium- and large-sized establishments experience the largest increase during such period. The empirical analysis indicates the existence of absolute and conditional convergence in productivity growth for the SMEs. Industry differences across locations seem to be an important factor although regional differences account for the greater variation in productivity growth.

Keywords: Convergence, SMEs, economic growth.
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Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

The Long-Run Relationship among Health and Income in Mexico, 1940-2011
Pages 131-14488x31
Vicente German-Soto and Martha Elena Fuentes Castillo

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2016.05.11

Published: 06 May 2016

Abstract: Theoretically, it has been argued the existence of not only a strong positive correlation among health and real per capita income, but also that their variations are highly interconnected. The stationarity among health indicators and income is analyzed for Mexico, allowing for the presence of multiple structural breaks along 1940-2011, with the aim to study its long-run relationship and how the reductions of the public expenditure have affected this link. One novelty is the long-run perspective supported on structural breaks that affect both the level and the slope of the time series. After the serial correlation is accounted for, several stationary processes evolving around a broken trend are found. The estimated breakpoints are widely related to events as crises and health system reforms, while the corresponding regimes changes lead to a stage of minor health expenditure. This last can be of concern to government and society if improvements on health and economic development are desired.

Keywords: Health economics, per capita income, cointegration, unit roots, structural breaks.
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Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Fiscal Policy and Economic Performance: A Review
Pages 1-1588x31
George E. Halkos and Epameinondas Α. Paizanos

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2016.05.01

Published: 15 April 2016


Abstract: The economic implications of government expenditure have been shown to be significant and broad. In particular, government spending has been shown to enhance long-run economic growth by increasing the level of human capital and Research and Development (R&D) expenditure, and by improving public infrastructure. On the other hand, there is evidence that a greater size of government spending may be less efficient and therefore not necessarily associated with a better provision of public goods and higher levels of economic growth. Moreover, it is likely that the size of government expenditure and its composition are associated with key aspects of the quality of growth, such as income inequality and environmental sustainability. This paper presents a review of the theoretical and empirical literature on the relationship between fiscal policy and economic activity, both in terms of long-run economic growth and short-term output fluctuations. In general, empirical evidence on these relationships is not robust and remains inconclusive.

Keywords: Fiscal policy, Economic growth, Government Expenditure, Taxation.
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Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Zakat and Accounting Valuation Model
Pages 16-2488x31
Essia Ries Ahmed, Ku Halim Bin Aiffin, Tariq Tawfeeq Yousif Alabdullah and Ahmed Zuqebah

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2016.05.02

Published: 15 April 2016


Abstract: The valuation and measurement of assets with regard to Zakat is necessary issue from Islamic perspective. Therefore, re-value the assets regularly is needed and Islamic accounting system probably uses both historical and market selling prices with regard to enable firms to accommodate contracts and to discharge with social responsibility. Zakat accounting includes the accounting principles that relate not only to measurement and valuation but also recording, interpreting, presentation and disclosure of accounting information. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to elaborate the importance of Islamic accounting valuation adopted in zakat regard to accounting models. The application and mechanics of zakat and valuation model discussed related to the implementation of the current practices of accounting and valuation models that adopted in Islamic firms.

Keywords: Zakat,Valuation,Accounting Models, Shariah.
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