
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Predicting High-Value Customers in a Portuguese Wine Company  Pages 1732-1740

Pedro Sobreiro, Domingos Martinho, António Pratas, Jose Garcia-Alonso and Javier Berrocal

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.155

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Wine companies operate in a very competitive environment in which they must provide better-customised services and products to survive and gain advantage. The high customer turnover rate is a problem for these companies. This work aims to provide wine companies with new knowledge about customers that help to retain the existing ones. The study applies a collected dataset from a transaction database in a medium-sized Portuguese wine company to determinate: (1) customer lifetime value; (2) cluster customer value as output (customer loyalty). The measurement of the customer lifetime value (CLV) was analysed using the Pareto/NBD model and gamma-gamma model. Clustering techniques are employed to segment customers according to Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM) values. Study findings show that exists three clusters with different interest to the marketing strategies, identifying the high-value customers, to target using marketing to increase their lifetime value effectively. The implications for the marketing strategy decisions is that using techniques based on the RFM model can make the most from data of customers and transactions databases and thus create sustainable advantages.

Keywords: Customer lifetime value, clustering, wine marketing, RFM model.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

An Integrative Literature Review on Leadership Models for Innovative Organizations  Pages 1741-1751

António Sacavém, Rui Cruz, Maria José Sousa, Albérico Rosário and João Salis Gomes

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.156

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: The main goal of this research is to analyze the type of leadership that can be more effective for innovative organizations. In this case, the research question can have an important meaning for organizations because innovation is a significant issue for the competitiveness of organizations; innovation has many constraints and most often fail because of the type of the leaders. In this context, the research question is, "Which are the most effective leadership styles for innovative organizations?" The methodology used was qualitative based on an integrative literature review, and the results show that paternalistic, authentic, and democratic leaders are the most effective in the support the implementation of innovative processes in organizations.

Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Models, Leadership Styles, Innovative Organizations, Integrative Literature Review, Qualitative methods.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Travel Decisions: The Effect of Facebook Posts According to Gender  Pages 1762-1770

Dina Ramos, Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira, Rogelio Flores Jr., Ana Malta and Carlos Costa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.158

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Supporting Ferreira (2012), Mariani et al. (2016) and Rodríguez‐Vázquez et al. (2017), it is essential to study the impact of social networks in the tourism sector, as they constitute innovative practices, with a substantial number of users involved. We aimed to understand the impact that Facebook posts have on the choice of a tourist destination. We thus prepared an online questionnaire, which obtained 361 answers, from a convenience sample involving international contacts of the authors, from 22 countries. This study revealed that men are much more influenced by Facebook posts, related to travel destinations, than women. We did inferential statistics, namely the chi square test, and we conclude that there does seem to be an association between gender and the influence of Facebook posts, at the 0.1% level. This may mean that tourism marketing firms may need to adjust their approach. We suggest that future research investigate further this phenomenon.

Keywords: Innovation, Tourism, Social Networks, Facebook, Travel information.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Social Networks and Tourist Destination Choice - New Competences Required in the New Digital World  Pages 1752-1761

Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira, Dina Ramos, Rogelio Flores Jr. and Carlos Costa

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.157

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: Online social networks are now an essential part of our interconnected lives. Herein, we analyse whether Facebook influences our travel destination choice. Having performed a literature review, we then followed a mixed methodology, analysing 363 responses to a quantitative and qualitative survey. The respondents were from 22 different countries. Our study focused initially on Facebook, however our research revealed that Facebook users are also very active on other social media. We conclude that we are in a new age, where we need to be more suspicious, as never before has information, including fake news, been so readily available. Other patterns in the data include the triumph of images over words in social media, the importance of decisions related to travel, and the superficiality of social media; finally, Big Tech is here to permanently change society. We will have to be able to get outside our digital bubbles – which means we will have to be able to exit our comfort zones. The codes and patterns identified depended on the researchers’ experience and on what they saw in the data, in a creative, non-mechanistic and inductive process. Thus, some subjectivity is seen to exist.

Keywords: Technology, digital bubbles, fake news, Big Tech, new competences, the suspicious mind.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

A Developmental Regionalism Approach to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA)  Pages 1771-1785

Faizel Ismail

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.159

Published: 31 December 2019

Abstract: The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was launched on 21 March 2018 at a Summit of the African Union, held in Kigali, Rwanda. This paper discusses the question: How can the AfCFTA benefit all African countries? The paper critiques the conventional approaches to regional integration as propounded in the academic literature. The paper proposes that African policy makers should develop an approach to regional integration that is best suited to Africa’s own development needs. The paper argues that by adopting a “developmental regionalism” approach to the AfCFTA African member states can stimulate a virtuous circle of fair trade, transformative industrial development, increased cross-border investment and strengthening of democracy in Africa.

Keywords: African economic development, Regional economic integration, African Continental Free Trade Area, African Union.
