

Philosophy as Creativity - Pages 2380-2384

Natalia Anatolievna Tereschenko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.288

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: The main aim of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of creativity, which has traditionally been the subject of philosophical investigation. Moreover, the phenomenon of philosophy itself as a creative process often remained in the shadow of general problems. By tacit agreement the creative nature of philosophy was recognized as obvious, and therefore, as a subject of philosophizing, it was often simply left out of the picture. However, again and again, the thesis about the “death of philosophy” makes the question of its creative nature more than relevant. If the creative potential of philosophy has been exhausted, perhaps it is really dying as a special form of thought in culture. If creativity in philosophy is possible, then its cultural prospects become more optimistic, or cultural elimination of philosophy is associated not only (or not so much) with its creative capacity. Creativity became the object of theorization in the Renaissance and Modernity, when man was initially thought of as its subject. Therefore, the very understanding of creativity bears the mark of Modern thinking. However, the "post-" situation forces us to return to the analysis of the problem and consider it in terms of the impossibility of the new. The problem can and should also be considered on the material of Russian philosophical thought, whose status has always been ambiguous, primarily for Russian philosophy itself. Today, the position of Russian philosophy is becoming even more problematic due to the problematization of philosophy as a particular discourse that claims to be universal, on the one hand, and the specifics of Russian theoretical thought labeled as "responsive", its empathicity – on the other.

Keywords: Creativity, The New, Progress, “Death of Philosophy”, Russian Philosophy.



Criminal Prosecution for Organizing or Maintaining Dens for the Consumption of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances, Their Analogues and Providing Premises for The Same Purposes Under the Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Pages 2385-2397

Seytkhozhin Bulat Umerzhanovich, Fetkulov Alikzhan Khalelovich, Sidorova Natalya Vladimirovna, Togaibaeva Sholpan Sericbaevna, Satbaeva Kuralay Habilovna and Orynbekov Almas Sabitovich
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.288
                                 Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: The main aim of the study is to consider problematic issues related to the qualification of a criminal offense, provided for in Article 302 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Organization or maintenance of dens for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and the provision of premises for the same purposes”. This article describes the circumstances that make it difficult to prosecute persons who provide their homes or other premises for the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, as well as the organizers of this type of illegal activity, creating conditions for anesthesia of the population. Through the study and analysis of statistical information, available approaches to this issue, as well as materials of judicial investigative practice in cases of this category, an attempt was made to consider the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of this offense, an author’s vision of resolving the situation was proposed. The article presents the data of criminal statistics in Kazakhstan for 2015-2018, identifies the most typical conditions conducive to the creation and functioning of drug traffickers, makes reasonable proposals for amending Article 302 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at improving the current criminal law. The materials of the article can be of practical value for law enforcement officers fighting the specified type of crime.

Keywords: Narcotic drug, psychotropic substance, drug analogs, offense, illegal traffic.



Dictionary of Abstract the Words of the Russian Language: Nouns with High Numerical Measure of Abstractness - Pages 2398-2405

Yulia Aleksandrovna Volskaya, Irina Sergeevna Zhuravkina and Alexander Pavlovich Lobanov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.290

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: This article demonstrates an experiment based on one of the possible means of creating a semantic dictionary of abstract words. It also analyzes its first results, lexical units that have shown a high level of abstraction in our enquiry among native speakers. The widening field of researches that study abstract words demands a precise definition of units that can be classified as concrete nouns as opposed to the abstract ones. However, this task is made more difficult by a polysemy and complex semantic structure of abstract words. Ideas of cognitive approach point to the fact that one word can have features of both concrete and abstract units, to a different extent depending on context and individual perception. In this approach, the leading role belongs to the semantic criterion of differentiating between concrete and abstract lexical units. It is suggested that this principle should be taken into account when creating a dictionary of abstract vocabulary. While defining the degree of abstraction of a word, a psychosemantic enquiry of native speakers of Russian can be helpful. Results of such interrogation are described in this article.

Keywords: Abstract Vocabulary, Concrete Vocabulary, Semantic Criterion Morphological Criterion, Psychosomatic Survey.



Effectiveness of Adaptation and Integration Mechanisms in Prevention of the Dissemination of Ideologies of Extremism and Terrorism among Migrants - Pages 2406-2412

Rustem Ilkhamovich Zalyaev and Sabina Rafailevna Efimova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.291

Published: 29 December 2020

Abstract: Nowadays, undoubtedly, one of the severely potential hazards threatening societies due to the migration processes is the spread of extremist ideologies of terrorism among immigrants worldwide. The article analyzes the effectiveness of adaptation and integration mechanisms so as to prevent the spread of ideologies of extremism and terrorism among migrants. This paper illustrates that adaptation and integration mechanisms have significant multifunctional capabilities in preventing the spread of ideologies of extremism and terrorism among migrants. Different approaches to solving migration issues are taken into consideration. It is positively proven that for the prevention of manifestations of the ideologies of extremism as well as terrorism amongst migrants, a particular model of cultural integration is required. Where integration is able to provide a high degree of cultural cohesion, the formation of mutual respect between cultures so that new cultures can integrate into the existing unified culture of the country. As a result, effective mechanisms for the adaptation and integration of migrants in order to prevent the spread of ideologies of extremism and terrorism among migrants are proposed.

Keywords: Migration, adaptation, extremism prevention, terrorism, Dissemination of Ideologies.
