
Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Assessment of Regional Economic Security Level in Innovative Development  Pages 109-116

Lidia S. Arkhipova and Elena I. Kulikova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2020.09.11

Published: 11 Febraury 2020

Abstract: Analysis of the innovative development of the regional economy is a relevant problem due to its role in ensuring the economic security of the country and achieving priority goals. The subject of the research are the regions of one of Russia’s most dynamically developing macro-regions – the Volga Federal District. It features innovation clusters, a network of modern manufacturing companies, research organizations. At the same time, it developed a significant territorial heterogeneity of the regional space. Therefore, in the course of the study, a typology of the regions was drafted according to a number of indicators, which made it possible to assess the level of their innovative development and identify zones of relative stability, medium and critical state. A forecast of the main indicators of the innovation component was made showing the ability of the regions to overcome the factors preventing the development of the innovation economy. The research results showed that most of the regions have a medium level of economic security in the field of innovation. The Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Republic of Tatarstan are at a high level. The economy of these regions is characterized by a high level of diversification, resilience to instability in the domestic market and external challenges. The Saratov region, the Republic of Mari El and the Orenburg Region are in a low-level zone. A short-term forecast indicates that in general the situation will not change – the regions will increase or decrease the values of the indices within the achieved levels of economic security. A qualitative transition to a new level is possible provided that the problems that hinder the innovative economy in the regions are eliminated.

Keywords: Regions, innovative component, economic security, calculation methods.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

A Conceptual Approach to Managing Labor Resources in the Maritime Industry  Pages 117-129

Oleg V. Zakharchenko, Sergii B. Kolodynskyi, Olha M. Yevdokimova, Nataliia S. Mamontenko and Oleksandr V. Darushyn

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2020.09.12

Published: 21 Febraury 2020

Abstract: Motivation: More than 70% of accidents in the fleet are due to the "human factor" - a wide range of psychological and psychophysiological qualities of the person, which in some way affect the result of its operations. Statistics of major ship accidents in recent decades show that not a single element of the shipping system is aloof from them. That is ship crews, shipowners, charterers, consignees, classification societies and other organizations associated with maritime transportation form a “chain” of risk. The correct combination of human abilities and machine capabilities significantly increases the efficiency of the "person - machine" systems and determines the optimal use by a person of technical means for their intended purpose. Unfortunately, an adequate model that would allow both quantitative and qualitative optimization of the project team, especially in conditions of incomplete determination of the volume of work, today does not exist. In addition, the existing methods do not take into account the specifics of the formation and conditions for the implementation of projects by such teams as the ship's crew, namely the increased level of danger, the inability to make replacements during the voyage, the international composition, the language barrier, etc. In this context, the issue of human resources management as a basic element of achieving the efficiency of project implementation in the field of maritime transport is also urgent, which implies an emphasis on the problem of project-oriented management of crewing and activity of the crew of marine vessels. The issue of clarifying the role, importance and key elements of HRM strategies and policies in the implementation of these projects requires special consideration. The aim of the study is to develop methodological approaches for the forming of quantitative and qualitative composition and effective management of project teams, as a variable component of the project management system of marine vessels.

Novelty: Develop methodological approaches for the quantitative and qualitative composition of project teams, as a variable component of the project team on the example of crews of marine vessels. The task of acceptability of the structure, quantitative and qualitative composition of the team was solved. The terminological base of project management was developed by more clearly defining the concepts of “project team” and “project management team”. The approach to the organization of the crewing company recruitment system to work on ships was proposed.

Methodology and Methods: In this scientific research to achieve the objective and test the hypotheses suggested in the research paper was used: 1) project teams methodology in project management, in particular, the Project Management Institute Classification (2017) of types of teams in the organizational structure of complex projects and in their management and the taxonomy of SNCB Version 4.1 are designed to provide a comprehensive professional assessment of the level of training of project managers; 2) method for calculating the size of the project team is based on the condition of minimizing its number, which reduces operating costs for the implementation of the project by the Ringelmann effect is known - a formula that provides the ability to quantify and optimize the parameters of the project team; 3) the method of planning of the minimum crew of The International Association of Sea Pilots considering the role of the “human” element in preventing accidents and environmental pollution (the ISM Code and the STCW Convention 78/95 as amended).

Data and Empirical Analysis: For the purpose of the study, data were collected and empirical analysis was conducted concerning the analysis of the accident rate of ships and crews for 2009-2019 (causes of accidents: damage to the case and mechanisms; clash; shipwreck and landing; fires and explosions; submergence; contact with the ground; varied; hostilities), that can have a result severe damage or loss of the ship.

Policy Considerations: Human factor is the most important aspect that determines the efficiency of shipping development; maintaining of technical and technological processes of the ship puts certain requirements to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the team, deviation from which leads to the occurrence of certain risk events; formation of an effective model of ship's crew manning is the main link in ensuring effective shipping project management.

Keywords: Labour resources, crew of marine vessels, minimum crew, maritime industry, project team, project management team, crewing company.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Crewing of Sea Vessels Taking into Account Project Risks and Technical Condition of Ship Equipment  Pages 130-140

Oleg V. Zakharchenko, Dmytro I. Bedrii, Olena V. Bileha, Oksana Y. Savina and Oksana V. Haidaienko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2020.09.13

Published: 21 Febraury 2020

Abstract: Motivation: One of the main concepts in project management is the concept of “team” in the project, and in project management - the human resources management of the project, which includes the processes of planning, forming and creating a team, its development and support activities, transformation or disbandment of the team. Despite the great attention paid to the formation of project management teams, existing studies do not fully highlight the specifics and features of crew operations. Criteria for the quantitative optimization of the ship's crew should be consistent with the main objectives of the project.

Novelty: The research paper proposes an approach that allows optimizing the quantitative composition of the crew of a ship by more accurately assessing the level of project risks and costs associated with the maintenance of ship equipment. The practical application of this approach will optimize the quantitative composition of the ship’s crew, which will both satisfy the needs of managing the technical equipment and minimize the risks and costs of the shipowner.

Methodology and Methods: Risk management tools were used to achieve the objective and test the hypotheses suggested in the research, namely: methodology for estimating the net present value of the project; the method of estimating internal rate of return for the project; the method of estimating the return on investment in the project; the method of estimation for the period of return on investment costs in the project; the method of estimating the discounted payback period for the project, as well as the tools of simulation modelling (Monte Carlo simulation method). The method of identification and grouping in the process of classification of project risks in the sphere of marine transportation, methods of systematization, grouping and logical generalization were also applied for systematization of information, drawing conclusions and making scientific suggestions in the research.

Policy Considerations: Shipping plays an important role in the trade and tourism industry; human factor is the most important aspect that determines the efficiency of shipping development; maintaining of technical and technological processes of the ship puts certain requirements to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the team, deviation from which leads to the occurrence of certain risk events; formation of an effective model of ship's crew manning is the main link in ensuring effective shipping project management.

Keywords: Optimization model, ship’s manning, crew size, shipping risks, project effectiveness evaluation, project team, ship’s stuffing, maritime industry.



Journal of Reviews on Global Economics

Food Security and Nutritional Status among Rural Poor: Evaluating the Impact of Rural Livelihood Mission in Odisha, India  Pages 141-148

Abhisek Mishra, Sujit Kumar Mishra, Iswar Baitharu and Tushar Kanti Das

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2020.09.13

Published: 21 Febraury 2020

Abstract: This paper empirically examines the effect of participation in National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) on the food security of rural poor. In parallel, it also introspects the nutritional profiles of the respondents. Data were collected from 220 respondents (including both beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries) through a structured questionnaire from Sonepur district of Odisha (India). For assessing the nutritional profile, the study uses 24 hour recall and food frequency questionnaire methods to collect the information on food consumption. Then food items were converted into their equivalent calories. A food security index (FSI) was constructed to capture the food security taking the average calories of food consumed by the respondents. The study finds a better food consumption pattern among beneficiaries than the non-beneficiaries. Further, the impact of NRLM is examined using randomised control trial method and finds a positive impact of the programme on the food security. That means, participation in the programme helps the beneficiaries to attain food security. Therefore, participation should be encouraged to mitigate the food insecurity problem.

Keywords: Food security, Impact evaluation, National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) Nutrition.
