

Innovation as a Factor in Sustainable Development of Russia’s Agriculture - Pages 1263-1272

Nadezhda N. Semenova, Irina A. Ivanova and Svetlana G. Busalova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.145

Published: 20 November 2020

Abstract: Sustainable agriculture is an integral aspect of the sustainable development of a socio-economic system. In this regard, innovation is considered to be one of the leading factors ensuring the development of sustainable agricultural since it increases the efficiency and competitiveness of the industry in the domestic and foreign markets. This study presents a system of recursive equations characterizing the innovations occurring within agricultural organizations in the regions of the Russian Federation. Additionally, the study assesses the sustainability of agricultural development in Russia by calculating the integrated index of five components: economic, innovative, social, ecological, and institutional. Also, the authors built a regression model that estimates the influence of innovation on the sustainability of agricultural development in Russia.

Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, innovation, innovative development.



The Rights to Religious Freedom for Adherents Faith in Indonesia: Comparative Study of the Rights to Religious Freedom in Asia - Pages 1273-1284

Muhammad Shuhufi, Moch Andry W.W. Mamonto, Andika Prawira Buana and Fatmawati

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.146

Published: 20 November 2020

Abstract: Indeed, the dimension of rights that are basic is free to believe in trust; one of the beliefs in Indonesia that is still alive is Towani Tolotang. In connection with the study used a socio-legal study that focuses on descriptive-fundamental and comparative research methods, while the approach used is the historical approach, case approach, and comparison approach. Towani Tolotang's belief which is different from other faiths in Indonesia that are recognized by the state, should have the same right argued on the philosophical basis of the first principle of Pancasila "God Almighty", the constitutional basis of the 1945 Constitution Article 28 "Freedom of belief," and strengthened with Decision of the Constitution Court No. 97/ PUU-XIV /2016. In the Japanese context, there are similarities with Indonesia related to traditional beliefs such as the Shinto that lives to this day, and their existence is protected by the state through the policy that the state does not deal with matters of religion through the Japanese constitution. It is different from Malaysia which does not recognize traditional beliefs, but in the context of the protection of trust, it is regulated in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia that unfortunately, besides being Sunni Islam, security is not essential or limited to administrative protection.

Keywords: Religion Rights, Human Rights, Law, Indonesia.



Discretion of Power of the Indonesian National Police Impacts the Abuse of Power in the Case of Letter Forgery of Red Notice "Fugitive Djoko Tjandra" - Pages 1292-1300

Bambang Slamet Riyadi, Asep Bambang Hermanto, Indah Harlina and Hadi Purnomo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.148

Published: 04 December 2020

Abstract: This research was a case study presenting a red notice that was suspected of being false against fugitive Djoko Tjandra by two police generals at the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia. This was a case study research and the research approach method was qualitative. Creswell defines the qualitative method as a research method based on a constructive perspective, that is various meanings; meanings that are constructed socially and historically to develop a theory or pattern. The researchers collected and developed open data, intending to develop themes from the data obtained. The results of the study, based on the exposure to the case analysis, it is suspected that there has been an abuse of power against the power and authority of the state institution of the Indonesian National Police. The researchers suggested that it is better if the legislators of the laws and regulations of the Police of the Republic of Indonesia think about it whether operational accountability is appropriate to the executive of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, there is a check and balance of law enforcement behavior carried out by the police.

Keywords: Power and Authority Owned by the Police, Abuse of Power, Red Notice, Indonesian National Police, fugitive Djoko Tjandra.



Study of Criminal Psychology in Indonesian Literature - Pages 1285-1291

Anas Ahmadi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.147

Published: 04 December 2020

Abstract: This criminal psychology research aims to explore the criminal behavior contained in modern Indonesian literature. This is based on the fact that literature is considered as a creative work that represents elements of criminal behavior that can be viewed from the perspective of criminal psychology. The research method used was qualitative by referring to the interpretation of the text in depth. The data used in the study were literary texts which represent criminal behavior. Data analysis techniques were carried out through the stages of identification, classification, reduction, analysis, exposure, and verification. The result showed that criminal behavior in Indonesian literature is related to corruption, sexual crime, and transnational crime.

Keywords: Criminal psychology, psychology, criminal behavior, Indonesian literature.



Socio-Legal Perspective of Gender Justice in Covid-19 Handling Policy in Indonesia - Pages 1301-1305

Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan and Eka Padmahantara Antonius

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.149

Published: 04 December 2020

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a global health emergency but also leads to a recession of the global economy on a large scale. This economic recession will certainly also affect women and men differently. In the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the policies of Indonesia’s Government was the issuance of Government Regulation 21 of 2020 on large-scale social restrictions to accelerate the handling of COVID-19. This policy raises a wide range of impacts on women in the context of women's positions in the family and as a working woman. Thus, gender mainstreaming in the handling of COVID-19 to realize gender justice should be a special concern, especially since women have been exposed to the vulnerability of COVID-19, as well as enduring the distinctive impact of the COVID-19 handling policy regarding social roles in families and communities.

Keywords: Legal justice, gender mainstreaming, Covid-19, ontological paradigm.
