

Tendency of Investment Economy Formation - Pages 2572-2578

Alina R. Battalova, Ruslan Sh. Tukhvatullin, Farit N. Mukhametgaliev, Farida F. Mukhametgalieva and Landish F. Sitdikova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.316

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: The relevance of the topic is caused by the need to identify trends and characteristics of the investment economy formation in the face of the external economic environment new challenges. The article’s main aim is to develop recommendations for optimizing the directions of the state economic policy in the field of investment activity development. The research is based on an analysis of the current situation and the identification of trends in the formation of Russia's investment economy and its regions. The study's novelty is to identify trends and characteristics in the investment economy formation in the regions of Russia and formulate development sectors in the Republic of Tatarstan. The main results of the study are as follows: issues of the preconditions for the formation of investment activity in the country's economy are examined, as well as macroeconomic indicators that form the financial foundations of the investment economy, the main directions for improving investment attractiveness are identified and proposed, including the use of the advantages of geographical and geopolitical position, increasing the economic, social and political level of development, improving the state of the environmental situation and demographic situation.

Keywords: Investments, investment economy, investment climate, sectors of the economy, prerequisites.



Modern Economic Conditions and Impact of the Tax Regime on the Legalization of Self-Employment: Russian and Foreign Experience - Pages 2579-2585

E.V. Bolonina, A.R. Khafizova and V. I Nasyrova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.317

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: This article analyzes Russian and international experience in approaches to taxation of self-employed individuals and their impact on the legalization of activities based on modern economic conditions. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative characteristic of the criteria for determining self-employed persons and various forms of their taxation in Russia and abroad at the present stage. The special tax regime for the self-employed in Russia has been in effect since 2019 and is one of the youngest in the tax system, so the analysis of foreign experience in the taxation of self-employed persons is of particular practical interest. The authors analyze global statistics on the number of self-employed persons and identify trends in their changes not only in the Russian Federation, but also in some foreign countries, especially in the light of the development of digital technologies and the emergence of new opportunities for independent activity by individuals. The research made it possible to draw intermediate conclusions for Russia at this stage of the new regime implementation: whether modern tax regimes stimulate the development of self-employment, how optimal these regimes are for legalizing citizens ' income, and what trends of foreign countries in the field of self-employed taxation may be relevant for modern Russia.

Keywords: Self-employment, tax on the self-employed, individual entrepreneur, professional income, shadow economy.



Factors and Determinants of Political Participation of Ethnic Groups - Pages 2586-2590

Azat Fazulov and Aidar Zakirov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.318

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of identifying factors and determinants of the political participation of ethnic groups in politics. Analysis of scientific literature allows us to identify several approaches to solving this problem. Some people view the political participation as an activity by which individuals try to influence the government through ethnic groups so that it takes the actions they want. This impact on the processes of political decision-making and the implementation of political programs related to them. Others believe that the driver of political activity is the need for internal improvement of an individual, when political participation contributes to their full functioning in the life of the state and gives them a sense of involvement in political processes. A comprehensive approach to determining the essence of the political participation of ethnic groups will be justified, according to which the institution of political participation is a multifaceted sociocultural phenomenon that affects many aspects of the socio-political dynamics of modern society. In accordance with this approach, political participation is equally manifested in both democratic and non-democratic political regimes; at the same time, the trigger of political mobilization can be not only the impact of political leaders, but also their own need for people to actively participate in political processes.

Keywords: Neoinstitutionalism, Political Participation, Social Groups, Ethnic Groups, Ethnic Interests, Mobilization.



Investigating the Differences Between Prepared and Spontaneous Speech Characteristics: Descriptive Approach - Pages 2591-2598

Galiya M. Gatiyatullina, Ludmila A. Gorodetskaya, Marina I. Solnyshkina and Elzara V. Gafiyatova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2020.09.319

Published: 31 December 2020

Abstract: In the modern EFL paradigm, pre-task planning time is viewed as a norm. Pre-task planning time is one of the central concerns of teachers, test-developers, as well as researchers. Pre-task planning is planning a speech before performing a task, and it also involves rehearsal and strategic planning. The paper addresses the problem of pre-task planning advisability for A2 Russian EFL speakers. The research presented in this paper examines the structure, breakdown, repair, syntactic complexity, lexical diversity as well as the accuracy of the discourse produced by 145 Russian participants of the English language competition held in Kazan, Russia, in January 2020. The discourse analysis revealed that the pre-task time is used by A2 EFL speakers not only to focus on a dialog but also to elicit a topic text from memory, thus focusing on form rather than meaning. Hence, in A2 tests prioritizing meaning over form and measuring the ability for spontaneous speech, the one-minute pre-task planning time is viewed as questionable.

Keywords: Oral performance, pre-task planning, A2, Russian EFL speakers discourse.
