
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Organisation of Educational Space in the New Ukrainian School  - Pages 270-279

Nadiia V. Bilousova, Tetiana V. Hordiienko, Nataliia M. Demchenko, Olena S. Filonenko and Artur A. Bobro

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.2

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The paper covers the issue of organisation of educational space of primary education in the conditions of establishment of the NUS. The purpose of the study was to determine the specific features in the organisation of educational space in foreign educational institutions and to provide recommendations for the organisation of educational space of the NUS.

Background: The school begins with the organisation of new educational space as a carrier of symbolic information, which ensures additional opportunities for the cognitive, aesthetic, ethical development of the subjects of the educational process. The ideas of organising the educational space of foreign countries, with a clear division into the physical environment, curriculum, human factors, are embodied in the practice of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) to organise opportunities to meet the needs of the educational process while having its own features.

Method: The authors used communicative, cognitive, transformative, systematising and control methods of teaching during the research.

Results: The concept of "educational space" is described; models of organisation of educational space are presented. The paper provides the analysis of an array of works of scholars, which cover various aspects of the definition of educational space. The educational sources, which are determined by the Methodical recommendations on the organisation of the educational space of the New Ukrainian School, are analysed.

Conclusion: Recommendations are given to future primary school teachers on the organisation of educational space and educational sources in classrooms of modern primary school. The general conclusions concerning the investigated problem are formulated.

Keywords: Specialised education, schoolchild, training, modern tendencies, foreign experience.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Behavioural Features of Various Social Groups on the Internet  - Pages 280-287

Galina I. Gerasimova, Nadezhda Yu. Gavrilova and Pavel S. Medvedev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.3

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The objective of the article is to find an effective model for teaching children using modern educational technologies.

Background: The relevance of the study is that the formation of communication in social networks is determined by the ability to search for strategies for social contacts. In this regard, a significant part of people uses a ready-made communicative model created on a technological basis in social networks. The issue of understanding the general structure of communication in the formation of the social structure of a person in adolescents remains debatable.

Method: The article notes that the operation of social networks is governed by purely technical methods and technologies, which can be considered as prerequisites for the translation of such technologies into the space of social interactions.

Results: The authors show that the possibility of a regulatory impact on adolescent behaviour fully meets the principles of organising network communities with an orientation on each person's individual characteristics.

Conclusion: The use of Internet technologies allows for the growth and timely development of communication technologies for the formation of a balanced personality in a globalised world.

Keywords: Internet, information technology, social communication, formation.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Study of the Self-Development Model in the Context of Structural Security of the Individual Integrity  - Pages 288-297

Iryna V. Ievtushenko, Yevheniia М. Kaliuzhna and Olena O. Nezhynska

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.4

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the study is the theoretical substantiation and testing of the methodological apparatus for determining the possibility of self-improvement and maintaining the level of personal psychological attitudes for social and professional interaction.

Background: The individual is perceived in the social environment as complex integrity having specific sets of its own properties and definitions. The implementation of professional standards, the creation of new organizational and psychological mechanisms in society puts forward new requirements for personality.

Method: The article presents a model for the formation of a qualitative perception of the possibilities of correcting motives and personality traits, which impact on the social interaction of a person.

Results: Analysis of the obtained results allowed to admit the effectiveness of authors’ experimental methodology. The authors show that the structural support for the development of the psychological characteristics of addictive individuals should be based on an understanding of the boundaries of social and professional interaction and the determination of the possibilities for its adjustment.

Conclusion: The authors presented a model for the formation of a qualitative perception of the possibilities of correcting motives and personality traits. This, in turn, forms the possibility of defining a complex that contributes to additional social interaction between the components of the social structure.

Keywords: Self-development, additivity, structure, personality, psychology.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Case Technology in the Process of Management of Student's Scientific-Research Activity  - Pages 298-306

Galymzhan Karatayev, Lyailya Imankulova, Farkhad Babakhanov, Gavkharbek Makhmudov and Saule Zholdasbekova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.5
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The need to develop methods of management of scientific – research activity using the case method is obvious in the framework of special education.

Background: The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the need to develop methods of management of students' scientific- research activity by means of cases.

Method: The leading method of the research of the given problem is the modeling allowing considering this problem as a process of purposeful and conscious mastering future expert's abilities to carry out monitoring of the quality of education.

Results: assessment criteria of results efficiency of vocational education, determination of the essence, and classifications of methods of scientific research are presented in the article. The empirical methods of the research, methods of the organization, and assessment of students' research activity are considered. The developed cases are directed for the successful management of scientific-research activity of students.

Conclusion: This research allows us to focus on the scientific-methodical provision of quality monitoring of education. Results can be used as an expansion of educational potential in the management process of students' scientific- research activity.

Keywords: Case-method, research experiment, new conditions of professional activity, pedagogical observation, activity in the education system.

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