
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Research Skills in Primary School Students Formation: Developmental and Competence Impact  - Pages 413-420

Aigul M. Beisenbayeva, Saltanat K. Abildina, Saltanat A. Feizuldayeva, Kamshat B. Kopbalina and Zhanargul K. Kurmangaliуeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.18
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The level of research skills of children with inclusion depends on the teacher's research competencies. To develop them, a future teacher must constantly conduct research and practical work in his own learning process.

Background: The formation of research competence in primary school children with disorders is formed on the basis of a common desire for knowledge of the world, due to age-related characteristics and social conditions of education. The task of a teacher in this vein is not only to structure the cognitive interest of younger students but also to integrate educational research competence into the age group.

Method: In preparing the study, students were required to deeply analyse information regarding the state of the issue, a comparative description of various modelling options and research methods, an analysis of their advantages, disadvantages, and the choice of a model and research method that would be adequate to the assigned tasks.

Results: Future teachers' willingness to present the teaching material is considered, and also the willingness to raise discussion questions and thus form additional research material. The authors of the article show that such competence is formed in the process of formation of general research competence and can be expressed in a number of definitions that require additional training of a future teacher.

Conclusion: There is a need to form research competency directly with teachers, who shape the future research qualities of “special” schoolchildren, which in turn forms the future of a scientific nature.

Keywords: Cultural mechanism, design and research activities, research competence, reproductive and heuristic levels of students, creative problem-solving.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Moral Education of Elementary Schoolchildren by Means of Didactic Literature Works  - Pages 421-429

Gulnur А. Belgibayeva, Sandugash Sh. Kulanova, Akbope A. Kerimbekova, Dinara O. Aitenova and Mukhtar А. Belgibayev

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.19
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the moral education of elementary school children with psychological characteristics using didactic works.

Background: Parenting and education are integral parts of the development of society. In this connection, moral education in elementary school is a prospect for the development of Kazakhstani society as a whole.

Method: The main research methods were content analysis, generalisation and concretisation, theoretical analysis of scientific, pedagogical and methodical literature, pedagogical experience.

Results: In the course of the study, the organisational forms of the educational process, the selection of didactic works in the discipline "Literary reading" of grade 4 were analysed and generalised. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of the moral education of elementary school students (general, private and specific), as well as the methods of moral education (verbal, practical and visual), are determined. The types of didactic works (stories, legends, poems, proverbs and instructive words) were analysed, and characters that educate morality were identified.

Conclusion: It was found that the specifics of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the moral education of elementary school students with individual mental characteristics lie in the specifics of the discipline itself, the content of didactic works, tools and the results of the teacher’s work with schoolchildren, which is reflected in the level of morality of schoolchildren, that is, on the object of formation.

Keywords: Personality, moral education, spirituality, national values, pedagogical condition.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Preparing Future Teachers for the Development of Students' Emotional Intelligence  - Pages 430-436

Svitlana H. Dubovyk, Alexander Ya. Mytnyk, Nataliia O. Mykhalchuk, Ernest E. Ivashkevych and Nataliia O. Hupavtseva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.20
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: This study deals with the issues of preparing future educators for the development of students' emotional intelligence. The study aims to identify the most important aspects of future teachers training in the framework of this task, to identify the main factors that should be paid attention to when training teachers, whose tasks in the future will include the development of emotional intelligence of school students.

Background: Particular attention is paid to the study of the training of teaching staff for the development of emotional intelligence in students with psychological disturbances. The object of the study is the branches of pedagogy of higher education aimed at educating qualified teaching staff that can effectively solve the tasks of developing the emotional intelligence of elementary school students.

Method: In the study, methods of system analysis of the subject matter are used, based on a detailed examination of the studies of the material available for research, with a qualitative analysis of all the collected information.

Results: Based on the conducted studies were formed recommendations on the training of teachers for future practical activities within the framework of the issues under consideration, which are summarised as follows: in training, attention should be paid to working with educational games, the task of which is to develop students' skills in identifying and evaluating emotions, their own and of students participating in the game, the study and analysis of works of classical literature, as a method of learning to think, analyse and develop the emotional sphere, training in the implementation of special exercises for the development of the emotional sphere.

Conclusion: The study has important applied value in terms of expanding the understanding of emotional intelligence and the need for its development, starting from the lower grades of high school.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, pedagogy of higher education, pedagogical support, school development, professional-pedagogical activity.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Development of Communication and Speech Skills of Students in the Process of Education  - Pages 437-442

Liza Naviy, Gulsara G. Zhussupbekova, Nina M. Stukalenko, Bariya B. Zhakhina, Lazzat S. Baimanova and Asiya K. Kukubaeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.21
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: The article aims to study and diagnose school students with disabilities' levels of communication and speech skills development. Communication technologies in the process of forming communicative competence will contribute to the successful implementation of correctional work, if necessary, an individual or adapted educational program for students with disabilities. During the conduction of the study, the authors used the following types of methods: analysis, synthesis, modelling, observation, survey—statistical method analysis of the data allowed to differentiate levels of communication and speech skills development. The authors revealed the most effective forms and methods of work at the literature levels. The scientific-methodical and practical aspects of the application of communication technologies for the development of school students with disabilities' speech activities were generalized. In modern education, it has been substantiated that communication technologies are used as a means of communication skills formation and as a means of activation of the students' cognitive work. Based on the theoretical analysis of the investigated problem and the experimental work results, the authors have formulated the generalizing positions. It was concluded that the solution to the investigation of the school students with disabilities’ speech activities development problem is possible at smart scientific and methodological use of communication technologies.

Keywords: Communication competence, educational-cognitive process, communication learning technologies, diagnostics, grammar standards.

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