
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Ways of Forming Personal and Social-Labour Functions of a Future Teacher  
- Pages 377-387

Nazira P. Tangkish, Yussubaly N. Kamalov, Gulnur Aripzhan, Hanzada Kairakbaeva, Gulnara Duisebaeva and Ainur S. Erbota

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.14
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The relevance of research is determined by the fact that it allows identifying the main criteria by which the development of a teacher is ensured both at the level of personal development and at the level of improving labour functions. The authors understand the complex development of personal and social-labour functions of a teacher as self-development in the process of fulfilling professional relations.

Background: Each of the participants in the educational process must meet the requirements set by state educational standards. With that, the personal qualities of a teacher should be fully correlated with the necessity of improving labour parameters.

Method: The effectiveness of the introduction of pedagogical conditions, which had a significant impact on the professional self-development of teachers, was tested experimentally with the use of anthropocentric and activity-based approaches to studying the problem, as well as with the use of the statistical method.

Results: The analysis presented in the paper showed that the indicated pedagogical conditions contribute to the formation of professional motivation, focus on the professional self-development of teachers, a high level of aspirations, awareness of the value of individual professional self-development, the ability to notice shortcomings, develop social skills and communication skills of teachers.

Conclusion: It was determined that the socio-psychological climate in an institution, where there is organisational support from the administration and informational support from other specialists, contributes to the development of operational-activity and reflective and value-based components.

Keywords: Teacher, professional self-development, scientific and methodological work, motivation, teacher qualities.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

On the Formation of Critical Thinking of Students of a Higher Educational Institution  - Pages 388-395

Maral D. Yessekeshova, Kulyan Zh. Ibrayeva, Gulnar K. Kaltayeva, Nazymgul Albytova and Zhanar S. Bekbayeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.15
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The paper examined for the first time the features of the formation of systemic critical thinking of students of a higher educational institution, using systemic methods specially developed for this.

Background: Unfortunately, there is practically no specific technology or even a method that specifically solves the problem of forming critical thinking. Nevertheless, each person who did not even receive the skills of critical thinking in the learning process possesses this type of thinking to some extent.

Method: The method of systemic structuring and studying information about the objects in question solves important tasks of developing ways of thinking that are very relevant for future specialists. Implementing the methods of systemic cognition of the studied objects and the surrounding reality ensured the development of the systematic knowledge, skills, and systemic and other relevant ways of thinking and a systematic approach in cognitive and other activities.

Results: The peculiarity of what has been said is that students in the process of implementing this method learn and develop simultaneously the proposed types of activities (actions) and the corresponding ways of thinking, including critical ones, determined by them. The particularly important result of the implementation of a systematic approach and systematic methods developed on its basis is the formation of systematic-critical thinking.

Conclusion: The concept of systematic-critical thinking has been developed. Using a systematic approach as a scientific method allowed to significantly transform not only theory and practice but also existing traditional technologies of the formation of critical thinking.

Keywords: Educational process, methods of cognition, teaching methods, research methods, work with text.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Research on Integrated Learning upon Enhancing Cognitive Activity in Primary School  - Pages 396-405

Botakoz Zhekibayeva, Assemgul Kalimova, Zhanar Sarsekeyeva, Serafima Ossipova and Gulpara Zhukenova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.16
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The study aims to identify the possibility of using a set of methods that a future teacher can apply upon working with schoolchildren, and value-based attitudes, which subsequently develop the students' desire to learn.

Background: The model for preparing the teaching staff for work at school presupposes the presence of not only the already approved tools for assessing the quality of education but also the development of teaching principles. For this purpose, the structure of integrated education is applied, which forms the possibility of holistic comprehension of the surrounding world for schoolchildren and the use of technologies for sustainable education on the part of the teacher.

Method: To develop the above methods and attitudes, a pedagogical experiment was performed. In order to study the level of cognitive activity of young schoolchildren, experimental work based on the gymnasium was conducted.

Results: The authors demonstrate that integrated learning can be achieved only if the younger schoolchildren are prepared and discovered their individual way of thinking and desire for knowledge. The study identifies the possibility of using a set of methods that a future teacher can apply upon working with schoolchildren and value-based attitudes, which subsequently develop the students' desire to learn.

Conclusion: The authors have concluded that the use of the integrated learning methodology allows to expand pedagogical techniques and use them natively in high school.

Keywords: Professional education, learning processes, association, structure, training, development.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Psyhoemotional Aspects for Creative Potential Development within the Framework of Schoolchildren Informational Culture Environment  - Pages 406-412

Gulbanu T. Abitova, Mariyam K. Bapayeva, Zaini T. Koksheeva, Anar A. Kapenova and Zeynekul D. Utepbergenova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.17
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: In the process of creativity, the child develops intellectually and emotionally, determines its attitude towards life and its place in life, acquires the experience of collective interaction, improves its skills in working with various tools and materials.

Background: At present times, which most researchers refer to as the era of “creative information culture”, the potential for creative development of students is of interest to both scientists and teachers. This paper considers creativity as a child’s sense-creating ability, as a student’s ability to form a model of the surrounding microcosm in the consciousness, which most often develops based on reading and processing information. This feature determines the uniqueness of the value-semantic attitude of children with inclusion to the world in general and to information, in particular.

Method: The study used materials from textbooks and manuals. Learning programs for children with developmental standards were studied. The level of students' creative thinking was tested. Methods for its development are derived.

Results: Various sources of information make up such a picture of the child’s world in which a certain value-semantic core is gradually formed. On extensive material through comparative analysis it is proved that the creative component is characterised by the manifestation of fantasy and imagination in all the diverse informational aspects; the need for new information; dedication to the process of cognition; the desire to master the basics of creative search activity; manifestation of independence in the selection of means and methods of cognition; desire for co-creation with adults. In the process of creativity, the child develops intellectually and emotionally, determines his attitude to life and his place in it, acquires the experience of collective interaction, and improves his skills in working with various tools and materials.

Conclusion: According to the author, it is an artistic and creative activity that actualises the inner potential of the child, reveals his creative abilities, allows us to define the artistic and creative self-realisation of a pre-schooler as an organised process of targeted pedagogical.

Keywords: Creative thinking, preschool age, intellectual and emotional development of a child, humanisation of the pedagogical process, interpersonal interaction.

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