
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Fashioning of Students' Research Competence Through Technology of Project Activities  - Pages 307-311

Sholpan S. Khamzina, Aigul M. Utilova, Tattigul Zh. Shakenova, Gulmira A. Suleimenova, Ella Y. Sarsembayeva and Gulomkodir М. Bobizoda

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.6
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The authors provide justifications for changing the current education system, updating the teaching and methodological approach in school specialised education. The paper investigates the issue of fashioning students' research competence through the technology of project activities.

Background: Project activity has become widely used since it combines the theoretical and practical parts of the science under study, which allows to set up a connection between its components. Research competence is an integral feature of a student's personality, which manifests itself in a willingness to take an active research position.

Method: The authors conducted an experiment to study the problem of improving the quality of students' knowledge upon studying biology in senior school. The participants in the experiment were 120 students of the 10th and 11th years of a specialised school for children with psychological disorders.

Results: The authors developed a methodology for the fashioning of research competence. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the validity of the initial assumptions regarding the influence of the use of research teaching methods in biology lessons aimed at improving the quality of biological education.

Conclusion: Through project activities, students with intellectual disabilities learn to work in a team. Despite the fact that teamwork is uniting, each of the students learns to independently set the purpose and tasks of the study, analyse the sources presented, present the results of their activities to others. The main signs of project activity include the fact that students learn the technique and technology of working with the project. Project activity allows for the fashioning of students' research competence during the lesson, thereby enabling students to unleash their potential.

Keywords: Educational systems, cognitive skills of students, project technology, educational courses, specialised education.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Tutoring: A Method of Facilitating Active Learning  - Pages 312-320

Ardagul N. Nurmukhanbetova, Zhazira E. Abdykhalykova, Zhazira D. Abdullayeva, Ulbossyn Sh. Baimanova and Aigul K. Sadykova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.7

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: To create one of the possible conditions for student-centred education, the authors’ research group developed a tutoring support programme for adaptation of students to the educational process of the school and implemented it into practice.

Background: The necessity of implementing tutoring support in Kazakhstan education is associated with the processes of integration of Kazakhstan into the world educational space, with the introduction of a multi-level educational system, the development of new educational standards such as the Bologna Process. Student-centred education is the fundamental principle of the reform in light of the Bologna process in inclusive education. Tutoring support addresses the needs and meets the requirements of the transition to the individualisation of learning and the variability of educational programmes.

Method: The study included the following research methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalisation, deduction, induction, analogy, and modelling); empirical (observation, survey, questionnaire, and interview); experimental (stating, developmental, and diagnostic experiment); statistical (statistical analysis of the data, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the study results).

Results: The results of the pilot programme noted changes in motivational and cognitive activity-target components of adaptation in students of the experimental group who received tutoring support, their academic achievements improved, and their independence in preparation for classes developed.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the authors noted that to create conditions for student-centred education, it is necessary to use various kinds of programmes of student academic support in the educational process.

Keywords: Inclusive education of Kazakhstan, student academic support, tutor, tutoring.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Formation of Arithmetic Musical Competence in Students  - Pages 321-326

Nurzhamal T. Oshanova, Shirinkyz T. Shekerbekova, Ainur E. Sagimbaeva, Gylnar C. Arynova and Zhadyra S. Kazhiakparova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.8

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study is to form the arithmetic musical competency of students on the basis of Al-Farabi’s theoretical musical heritage. In this context, the work “The Great Book of Music” is of great importance. In this work, he gives not only a scientific explanation of the origin of sounds as properties of matter but also gives an idea of the arithmetic principles of the emergence of harmony and musical melodies.

Background: Musical competence is described as an ability and an aptitude to adequately perceive and emotionally respond (react) to music, to transfer musical perception into the ability to think using artistic images. In school, its formation occurs during the study of a discipline "Music", among special subject competencies that form within this subject an arithmetic musical competence can be distinguished.

Method: Judging from the musical theory composition method, Al-Farabi suggests an innovative method to improve the musical development of students with intellectual disabilities which consists of the individual preparation of a training plan.

Results: As a result of this study, it was determined that the problem of the formation of arithmetic musical competence in the learning process is relatively new and insufficiently studied. Arithmetic musical competence can be formed on the basis of teaching the method of the musical theory of composition Al-Farabi.

Conclusion: The experiment results allows for the conclusion about the advantages of the formation of musical competence of students via knowledge of music theory.

Keywords: Musical instruments, mathematical theory, musical competence, numerical art, interval.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Socio-Cultural Implication in the Development of Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan: Interdisciplinary Research  - Pages 327-335

Svetlana M. Puzikova, Nataliya M. Kudro, Nurgali Z. Assylov, Kuanysh S. Moldasan and Larisa A. Biryuk

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.9
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the paper is to determine the specifics of the modern process of democratisation of the educational environment in Kazakhstan through the analysis of the implicative development of subject-to-subject interactions in educational institutions of the country.

Background: The implication of traditionalism, patriarchy (collectivism), and individualism in the modern culture of Kazakhstani society form the basis for the development of a special, paternalistic type of subject-to-subject interactions in educational institutions of Kazakhstan. The specific nature of this type of interaction is in the preservation of students' value-and-role views about teacher’s functions in the educational process.

Method: The study used a comparative method, conducted a questionnaire survey among students and schoolchildren with special educational needs, an expert survey of teachers, as well as in-depth interviews of schoolchildren and teachers at the second stage.

Results: Based on the results of empirical studies, proposals are being developed on the conceptualisation of the development of the educational environment in the Kazakh school and on the further development of subject-to-subject relations in higher educational institutions. Democratisation of the educational process as a world trend necessitates considering local specific peculiarities when modernising the educational process in societies with a predominance of collectivist values.

Conclusion: The authors, analysing the results of studies on the formation of an individual's subjectivity in various types of societies, having identified implicative relationships in the socio-cultural development of Kazakhstan, conclude that a new institutional significance of education is necessary as a fundamental factor in the overtaking modernisation of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: Social identity, subject-to-subject interaction, mentality, democratisation of education, subjectification of an individual.

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