
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Socio-Pedagogical Support of Child’s Personality Socialization at the Stage of Preschool Childhood Social Formation  - Pages 336-350

Inna P. Rohalska-Yablonska, Nataliia I. Melnyk, Sofiia O. Dovbnia, Tetіana A. Lisovska and Nеlia A. Perkhailo

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.10
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: This paper is directed at development and experimentally test the effectiveness of the system of socio-pedagogical support of socialization of the individual; determining the pedagogical conditions for ensuring the harmonious socialization of children in preschool education. The basis of the analysis of the project of social and pedagogical support of the child’s socialization is its humanitarian direction.

Background: The relevance of the study is the creation and development of a system of socio-pedagogical support of personality socialization in preschool childhood was confirmed.

Method: The implementation of certain tasks was carried out using a set of research methods: the theoretical method, which allows a systematic analysis of philosophical, psychological, sociological, cultural, and pedagogical scientific and methodological literature on socialization, education, and personal development; the empirical methods (observation, interviews, surveys, questionnaires, testing, the study of documentation), which allow to comprehensively consider the specifics of pedagogical activities of teachers to implement the socialization process and levels of socialization of children.

Results: The results of the experimental test of the system of social and pedagogical support of personality socialization in preschool childhood developed by us proved its effectiveness, which confirms the quantitative and qualitative changes in the levels of socialization of preschool children.

Conclusion: The paper established the state of awareness of preschool teachers with the processes of socialization of the child in preschool childhood; criteria, indicators, and levels of personality socialization in preschool childhood; the pedagogical conditions for the effective course of the process of socialization of children in preschool educational institutions.

Keywords: Process of socialization, socialization of children, preschool childhood, socio-pedagogical support, child’s personality, pedagogical process.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Model of a System for Criteria-Based Assessing of Students' Functional Literacy and its Developmental Impact  - Pages 351-357

Ainur Ye. Sagimbaeva, Sailaugul Avdarsol, Olga Yu. Zaslavskaya, Gulnar S. Arynova and Aigerim S. Baimakhanova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.11
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this article is to compile a model of a system for assessing students' functional literacy based on a criteria-based approach.

Background: Everyone use a traditional five-point grading system to assess students' activities, but using it, it's not always possible to objectively evaluate student work. Therefore, the authors use the criteria-based student assessment system in our lessons.

Method: Criteria based assessment involves a mechanism that allows evaluating students more objectively. Assessing the activities of students in the lesson becomes democratic, since a student is the subject of his training, and a teacher does not play the role of a “judge” in grading.

Results: As a result of the study, it was revealed that the assessment system makes it possible to determine how successfully one or another educational material is mastered, or a certain practical skill is formed. At the same time, it is advisable to take a mandatory minimum as a reference point.

Conclusion: The criteria-based assessment system is completely transparent in the sense of how to give formative and summative grades, as well as the goals for which these grades are put. It is also a means of diagnosing learning problems, providing and ensuring constant contact between a teacher, student, and parents. Based on the conducted practical experiment, the effectiveness of the model of the system for assessing the functional literacy of students based on the criteria-based approach in computer science has been proved.

Keywords: Criteria-based assessment, student success rate, computer literacy, self-assessment procedures, integrated information.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Professional Training of Future Teachers for the Development of Speech Activity of Younger Schoolchildren  - Pages 358-369

Aizhan Zh. Sapargaliyeva, Dinara Ye. Muratbekova, Ryszhamal K. Aralbaeva, Saule S. Zhakipbekova and Aizhan S. Shynybekova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.12
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the experiment was to determine the level of knowledge of future primary school teachers about dialogical speech in the lessons of a discipline “Self-knowledge” (content component), their ability to apply this knowledge in the process of developing the dialogical speech of primary school students with mental disorders (operational component) and the comprehensive using of knowledge about dialogical speech in the process of educational activity (motivational component).

Background: Professional training of future teachers of primary schools is currently one of the pressing problems in modern Kazakhstan. One such way is the introduction of a practice-oriented competence of the future primary school teacher. This involves the formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher, his ability to solve typical professional problems on the basis of acquired knowledge and experience.

Method: For determining the preparation of future primary school teachers for work on the development of dialogical speech of primary school students a pedagogical experiment consisting of ascertaining and formative stages was conducted.

Results: Scientific research on the methodology of speech development is aimed at finding methods, techniques, and forms of training that increase the effectiveness of such important components of the learning content as language and speech competence, which are part of the communicative competence of pupils. In scientific pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of education and training is to develop a child's personality. The development of personality is considered as a long process of acquiring the culture of the people. Speech culture is an integral part of the general culture, so speech development is the most important task of forming the personality of a preschool and primary school pupil. The key role in psychological development is played by external, oral, monological, dialogical, and written speech.

Conclusion: Interrelation of the investigated components can serve as a description of the level of preparedness of future primary school teachers.

Keywords: Speech activity, primary school pupils, practice-oriented competence, dialogical speech.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Collaborative Environment as a Means of Forming Success of a Future Teacher of Elementary Classes in Project Activity  - Pages 370-376

Aigul D. Syzdykbayeva, Aliya S. Mambetalina, Almat S. Nuradinov, Manshuk B. Kurmanbekova and Zauret B. Kabylbekova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.13
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the study is to determine whether future elementary school teachers are successful in project activities and whether a properly organised collaborative environment affects the outcome of project activities.

Background: In conditions when a person is the most important value and main capital of a society, the goal and product of the educational system should be human intelligence and personality. Therefore, for domestic education today, the issue of raising the status of the teaching profession and the modernisation of teacher education has become serious. The article reveals the problem of the successful formation of a future primary school teacher in project activities through a collaborative environment. The authors define the concepts of "project activity", "the success of the future primary school teacher in project activity”, “project”, “collaborative environment”.

Method: The methodology for organising a collaborative environment in project activities is determined. The study involved two groups; the sample was 107 pupils.

Results: A programme for diagnosing the successful formation of a future primary school teacher in project activities is presented. Criteria, indicators (motivational, cognitive, activity) and levels of success formation of the future primary school teacher in project activities (intuitive, reproductive, creative) are defined.

Conclusion: As part of the study, the authors determined that a collaborative environment is an effective means of success for a future primary school teacher in design. A collaborative environment was defined as the collaboration of a teacher and pupils in solving a problem, completing a task, or creating a product.

Keywords: Project, collaborative environment, teacher, questionnaire.

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