
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Multilingual Training Issues and Development of Teachers’ Speaking Skills for the Special Education Purposes: Kazakhstani Case Study  - Pages 443-450

Sandugash K. Moldabekova, Gaini K. Dlimbetova and Nina M. Stukalenko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.22

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The paper's main purpose is to analyse approaches to the development of multilingual education and the development of speech teaching skills in the special education system.

Background: Improving the special education system is challenging because it takes a long time to change. The learning process must include the possibility of educating all groups of the population.

Method: During the study, the current state of the implementation of multilingual education within the framework of the Kazakhstani educational process was analysed, national and regional features of the process under study were investigated, prospects for its further improvement were considered.

Results: Based on the results of the study, scientific, methodological, and theoretical foundations of the development of multilingual teacher training in a modern educational institution are summarised; educational and methodological aspects of the issue are described.

Conclusion: The results obtained are of theoretical and practical importance for inclusive multilingual training of teaching staff and the improvement of teacher education in general, the implementation of leading ideas for the modernisation of all professional education.

Keywords: Multilingualism, multilingual education, communicative skills, teacher training.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Teacher's Use of a Drawing Workshop as a Method of Art Therapy  - Pages 451-459

Rsaldy B. Orazalieva, Olena O. Bila, Olena L. Pozdnyakova and Nataliya V. Derevyanko

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.23

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a workshop in watercolour drawing by a future teacher of art as part of art therapy to improve mental state. Background: In modern conditions of development of the innovation and educational process in higher education in the specialties "Fine Arts" and "Design” special attention is paid to the acquisition of professional skills and abilities of students to work in the art space of the Planer. In this regard, master classes are widely used in classes in higher education institutions, but most training is aimed at acquiring professional writing with watercolour.

Method: Workshop, as a quick and illustrative example in the performance of a watercolour etude by a teacher, is the strongest means of aesthetic impact, which is to show the secrets of drawing mastery, aesthetic techniques of working with watercolour, brush movements, the appearance of colour fillings, emphasizing a pictorial composition.

Results: In the course of the study, it was determined that using a drawing workshop as art therapy is an effective way to improve the mental state. Art-therapeutic work evokes positive emotions, helps form a more active life position, emotionally valuable acceptance of partners, and cohesion.

Conclusion: Fine art products constitute objective evidence of a person's mood and thoughts, which allows them to be used to assessing the mental state.

Keywords: Watercolour drawing, artistic image, art therapy, drawing practice, la prima method.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

The Specificity of Preparing Students at Pedagogical Universities for Educational Activity in the Digital Epoch  - Pages 460-471

Oksana B. Petrenko, Tetiana S. Tsipan, Zhanna H. Stelmashuk, Nadiia M. Hrynkova and Liudmyla M. Balika

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.24
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: the study is aimed at analysing the problems of forming the skills of educational activities of an individual, leading approaches that outline the range of solutions to education problems, features, and possibilities of these approaches to elucidate the totality of effective methods and techniques for special education pedagogical specialties in students.

Background: education in higher education institutions (HEI) or another educational institution is based on the formation of an individual who has achieved the basic characteristics of his development in the process of professional development and in the framework of cooperation.

Method: the experimental method was used in work during 2014-2019, in which 219 students of experimental groups and 213 students of control groups participated.

Results: The authors determined the possibility of using student training tools as a specialist and a socially responsible person using pedagogical tools implemented in a digital educational environment.

Conclusion: Students can be trained in pedagogical higher education directly using digital technologies. Thus, working with similar technologies will not require additional training in the implementation of practical work in further professional activities.

Keywords: Digitalisation, scale of behaviour regulators, emotional and motivational readiness, pedagogical work with parents.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Students’ Humanistic Position Formation in the Educational Process  - Pages 472-484

Svitlana O. Shara, Larisa I. Vorona, Iryna O. Kalinichenko, Lesia V. Lebedyk and Larisa M. Olifira

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.25

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The student's humanistic position is not only the result of the teacher's personal influence but also a controlled process. As a result of the implementation of this process, the student receives an understanding of what should relate to the humanistic process and the humanistic function of society.

Background: The basis for the formation of humanism for all participants in the students' educational process is determined either by the teacher's position or by the installation in the pedagogical process. So, any impact on the part of the teacher can be perceived as an exceptional factor of influencing the student's personality, which can be perceived as a compulsory education requirement.

Method: Assessment of pedagogical effectiveness was carried out by means of an expert survey. Diagnostic and processing of empirical data was carried out according to the methodology for assessing the importance of each individual requirement for the proposed educational materials.

Results: The study examines the components that form the student’s humanistic position on the basis of the traditional components of the formation of the pedagogical teaching strategy. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that it is possible to implement the concept of the formation of active skills in students during certain actions and the formation of other humanitarian positions.

Conclusion: The study shows that the level of formation of the students' humanistic position concerning all participants in the educational process depends on updating the educational process of training specialists based on the developed theoretical and methodological foundations.

Keywords: Humanism, position, training, students, university.

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