
Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Psychosocial Foundations for Pedagogical Skills Formation of Future Specialists in the Special Educational Environment  - Pages 485-496

Roza Sh. Sydykova, Adalyat A. Yussupova, Galimzhan K. Berekeshev, Torgyn A. Smailova and Nauryz T. Kuldanov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.26
Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The main goal of the work is to analyse future music teachers' pedagogical process and its impact on the creative potential of the individual.

Background: Pedagogical work has always been creative since its main purpose is to build, create a personality, develop, affirm the spiritual principle in a person. In addition, the activities of a teacher are carried out in constantly changing situations, requires consideration of all conditions. Therefore, the main task of a teacher is to transfer his creative potential with special educational needs.

Method: theoretical methods were used for research, which allowed us to determine the role of music in students' development.

Results: It was established that the formation of artistry in the process of teaching vocals is understood as a complex motivational-semantic education. It has been determined that the strength of the students' spiritual attraction to their mentor largely depends on the presence in his individual appearance of such a purely personal quality as an attraction, introduced by psychologists in scientific use for more in-depth ideas about the artistic and communicative possibilities of a person.

Conclusion: The results of the study made it possible to determine that an integrated approach to musical and pedagogical activity helps to solve pedagogical problems using musical art tools that combine a complex of special, psychological and pedagogical, general scientific, methodological knowledge, skills with the leading role of general pedagogical abilities.

Keywords: Creativity, aesthetic cycle, pedagogical process, artistically gifted personality.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Role of Organisational Culture of the University in Formation of Psychological Readiness of Students to Assertive Behaviour  - Pages 497-504

Myron Y. Varii, Olena A. Leshchynska and Yuliana M. Terletska

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.27

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: The primary purpose of the work is to study the role of organisational culture of the modern Ukrainian university in the process of formation of psychological readiness of students to assertive behaviour.

Background: Scientific and public discussion about reforming the system of higher education requires deeper research of the influence of university organisational culture on forming not only professional but also personal skills and abilities that make this research relevant.

Method: The selection has 180 respondents from all departments and institutions of university and has been balanced by gender and age. This was the psychosemantic research.

Results: To collect the data, suggestions regarding resistance to undesirable influence were used developed by P. Zimbardo and S. Andersen, ten assertive rules of personality developed by M.J. Smith and the author's survey "Confession of a sad student". Obtained data were represented using the factor analysis. Assumptions concerning the normal distribution were checked using the statistical criteria of Bartlett of the mathematical, statistical package SPSS 14.

Conclusion: The obtained factor structure showed that it is possible to speak of domination in the student environment of the tendency to immature self-affirmation along with a readiness to conquer that can be explained by the inadequate conditions of organisational culture to form assertiveness of student.

Keywords: Assertive behaviour, psychosemantic analysis, organizational culture of university.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Career Guidance of Teenagers and their Sociocultural Development and Adaptation in Modern World of New Technologies  - Pages 505-518

Tatyana V. Zuyeva and Adel T. Nyssanov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.28

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: Objective: Compilation and partial testing of a career guidance program for students with special training in high school.

Background: A modern teenager is formed as a personality in the conditions of a constant increase of prestige of a profession and readiness of the labour market for the formation of subject-matter specialists. Each teenager chooses a profession based on their current market situation and their perception of it not only by technical capabilities but also by social, cultural, and value orientations. In this regard, early identification of professional preferences and the establishment of a system of work with schoolchildren, point-oriented to the choice of a profession, is relevant. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that such a choice is made without the ability to determine success in a specific professional field in advance.

Method: The main content of the formation of teenagers' knowledge and skills for professional activities in the sociocultural environment were the disciplines of the variable part of the curriculum and the special course "Features of professional activity in the sociocultural environment”. The methodology for creating and implementing a special course is focused on the formation of the basic components of readiness for professional activity in the sociocultural environment: personal, interactive, and reflective (evaluative).

Results: The article not only analyses the current experience of career guidance but also proposes to analyse the situation of teenagers' susceptibility to such guidance basing on different components. The practical significance of the study is determined by long-term projects, which are considered as a probabilistic improvement of socio-economic development and improvement of the quality of work in various industries, and at the personal level – sociocultural development and socialisation of teenagers.

Conclusion: The career guidance of teenagers should combine not only a story of a target audience about the benefits of a profession, but also about ways of communication and formation of a definition of technological way to bring information about the choice of profession.

Keywords: Higher education institutions, career guidance, sociocultural development, technology.

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Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment

Adaptive Morphing and Coping with Social Threat in Autism: An Autistic Perspective  - Pages 519-526

Wenn B. Lawson

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6000/2292-2598.2020.08.03.29

Published: 14 September 2020


Abstract: This paper highlights the role of terminology, such as camouflage and masking, commonly used in autism research. The author suggests researchers question assumptions around language commonly used to check it is fully representative of the autistic position. Being autistic often means being very literal. This literality means it is very important for researchers – particularly non-autistic researchers – to design research questions in a way that will gather accurate information often underlying autistic understanding. Words are powerful tools and lead to beliefs and positions held. Adaptive morphing in autism (currently referred to as camouflage or masking) infers a response, not of deceit, but one that is biological and not necessarily chosen. The author of this paper suggests masking, as a choice to deceive, is quite different from adaptive morphing for safety.

Keywords: Autism, masking, camouflage, language, adaptive morphing.
